miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008


Today I've realised...
there're lots of things I'd like talk about, but not today.
That's why even if I'd seen a bearded lady wearing red lipstick (which is true), I'd rather you think: "what did I realise today?".

martes, 22 de julio de 2008


Hoy me he dado cuenta de cómo pasa el tiempo fluyendo...

From last 18th July I'm "Londoning". I think it's an easy term to understand, much people would like to practice and never find the moment to.

"2 weeks from your holidays spent in London!!?? Sounds quite awkward...", that's what I was asked several times before I was off from work.
Is it so strange? Maybe it is. Or, maybe it's not if you wanna catch some inspiration.

Here starts my INSPIRATIONALONDON for 2 weeks.
*With 40 minutes delay in my freezer flight -not really inspirating-.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

Hoy me he dado cuenta de otra obviedad: los niños nunca dejarán de sorprenderme. Nadie como ellos para pensar de manera diferente.
Nadie como ellos para preguntar:"¿Por qué chafan eso?", al ver a los basureros apretar las escobas contra el suelo para recoger lo que muchos dejamos al pasar.
¿Te lo hubieses preguntado tu?

martes, 15 de julio de 2008

Today, I've realized Elena-Do is a product by Elena Domínguez.